SSL Ordering: Thank You!
Thank you for ordering your new SSL certificates. Your order is being processed now, and you’ll receive a confirmation e-mail as soon as it is complete and payment is posted. If you requested to pay by PayPal, you’ll receive an e-mail with the PayPal invoice in a few moments. Please proceed to complete the payment as soon as you receive the invoice. If the payment was made by CashApp or Credit Card, you don’t need to do anything else.
Important Disclaimer:
SSL certificates must be renewed every year. You will received a renewal notification 60 days prior your expiration date, and then every 15 days until the due date. If you have ordered multiple years for your SSL, you’ll only be notified when your multiple year SSL is near expiration. Please allow up to 5 business days for the SSL(s) you ordered to be installed and operating on your domain and website.
Important Payment Reminder:
Your statement should show “PKZMEDIA” as the payee. If you have any questions about your payment, please call us at 954.708.8389.
Thank you,
PKZ Media, Inc.